Custom APIs - Serverless Functions

Learn about Mercury's API-callable functions

At this point, you've learned how to build indexing programs that are executed as the network closes its ledgers enabling real-time indexing solutions, but that's not the only feature made possible through the ZephyrVM. Mercury's cloud execution environment also enables you to create serverless functions inside your already existing indexing programs.

In this section, we will learn how to set up fully custom APIs with Zephyr. This will be done thanks to serverless functions that are defined on the program and called on request. We will start with a general introduction to serverless functions, followed by step-by-step explanations on how to implement the various use cases powered by them, which, as mentioned earlier, include:

  • Designing customizable dashboards.

  • Implementing querying APIs, which can be fully customized for composing stored and ledger data.

  • Creating custom RPC-alike endpoints, useful for simulations and on-demand "getLedger" APIs.

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