Accessing the Ledger: Contract Entries

Stellar's ledger

The ledger is the continuous state of the Stellar Network. It's made up of the data stored in the Network which can be updated: that's why it's defined as continuous. Nevertheless, when accessing the ledger we access its final state, which is its current state.

Those data are saved on the leger as ledger entries and can be accounts, balances, allowances, contract data (related to Soroban) etc. An example of accessing data on the ledger could be accessing the balance of a certain address in a certain liquidity pool.

Accessing the Ledger with Zephyr

Zephyr programs have access to all contract data on the ledger and to many Stellar Classic entries (those are being progressively added). This means that it's possible to access the network's current state for the required entries at any time during the program's execution.

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