
Learn about Mercury's pricing.

Mercury has undergone almost a year long of developments and is now almost ready for a first stable release with pricing. Even though we don't have the specifics yet, the first stable release is still a beta to stable transition and with an initial pricing draft that will likely change in the future. However, we envision four tiers for the upcoming release (billed monthly):

  1. Free (0$). What you need to get started on Mercury and play with it.

  2. Basic (5-15$). Small projects that don't handle large amounts of data and need basic features.

  3. Pro (30-50$). Medium-large protocols handling large amounts of data and are relying on advanced functionalities.

  4. Enterprise (contact). Big companies or large volume protocols, we also offer consulting and development services.

Note that the above is currently not being enforced and is only a proposal and can change. If you have any feedback please let us know.

Last updated