
Learn about Mercury's pricing.

Given that Mercury is just now BETA and we don't have any metric as to maintenance costs, average user activity, volumes of indexed data and frequency, etc, we don't have any numbers set in stone for the pricing. Rather, we plan on using the first months of production deployment ("convalescence" period) to dictate the pricing.

However, there are a few considerations:

  • Given our subscription-based model, you are paying for the amount of data that you store, ensuring more descriptive and lower costs. We are very confident, that Mercury prices will be incredibly competitive.

  • We have a generous free tier for projects to start playing with.

  • During the "convalescence" period, only medium-big projects that are serious about building on mainnet will be charged and the price will be calibrated on the expected resource usage. Note that this price will be higher than what you will end up paying after the "convalescence" period (unless of course, the workload becomes much higher).

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